Living Life As If Thinking Matters

Why dissent is crucial to health, happiness, hope, and a better world.

Hardcover: 9780918112125
Paperback: 9780918112149
Living life better and solving its dilemmas requires putting thinking ahead of popular beliefs.

We are all born on the starting line of life with blank mental slates. Then each of us has our mind filled in by parents, schools, peers, and experts. The result is a society stuffed with given beliefs, none of which we own, and—as you will learn in this book—most of which are wrong.

Although important questions are often debated, there seems to be no satisfying solutions. Instead, shortsighted agendas prevail, money dictates decisions, and ethics seems a thing of the past. We all sense this misdirection and can feel helpless as the world spirals out of control.

Since ultimately everything in life happens because of the way we think, solutions depend upon thinking too. That does not mean playing the victim and relying on others, but reaching within to see the sense, goodness, and direction that lie there.

Dr. Wysong helps readers tap into their unlimited resources and take control. All of life’s important topics are discussed in this encyclopedic, wise, and helpful book, including: how to achieve optimal health, think correctly about politics, family, love, sex, the environment, economics, government, and social issues, and how to self-improve and cultivate conscience.

If you would like to understand life better, be healthier, happier, have meaning, contribute to a better world, and avoid some bumps and bruises along the way, this is your guidebook.

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Self-Improvement/ Sociology/ Health/ Philosophy

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